O come, O come...

Gosh! Winter is so magical. It's always been hard, living in Miami, to realize that it won't snow here, but eh! Oh well. I can always look at photos, such as these, and still admire them.

Any who, I finally finished my version of the Christmas song "O come, O come, Emmanuel" I hope you enjoy it. Please comment! Let me know what you think!

It's a 30 second clip on this little player, but you can hear the full song if you click the link on the player, or if you go to http://www.duringwinter.com


Maria K. Hass said...

Oooh me like! Love the song...

Come to Alaska for Christmas!! You can see some gorgeous winter scenery. I'm loving every minute of it!

Engels=English said...

AAAAh, I love that snow picture, especially as it was taken only a few kilometres of where I actually live;-) But we don't get this stuff every year either, so don't be too envious, it's mostly just cold cold rain.

Love, a Dutch Reader

During Winter said...

I was trying to figure out where this was taken, I found it online and it looked so beautiful. Where is it?